Saturday, April 30, 2011

A day on the UW campus

Granted this is a day with very few people here on the Saturday before Finals week but there were a couple gems.
 I had to get to book buyback real quick during a break in my class, luckily some nice student left their bike unlocked so I took the NEXT "Powerclimber" all the way there and back in record time! Thanks random irresponsible bike owner! P.S. you need to replace your pedals the bearings are pretty worn.
I actually saw this yesterday, but seeing 'ol Ben with a Lei was just comical, holding the key to knowledge in his hand, I really wish that he had been throwing a hangloose sign, that would have been awesome!

What you can't see is the snow falling, I will remind you that it is April 30th, its okay I still have been wearing shorts, its called rebellious!